【Compare Shabu-shabu with Photos and Features】Choose from 1 Restaurants in Fukuoka city

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Restaurant Search Conditions

Fukuoka city × Shabu-shabu ×

Table of Contents

Meal Images per Store

Menu featuring pork and vegetables.

Restaurant Search Results

 (Mushi shabu ranchi)

蒸ししゃぶランチ (Mushi shabu ranchi)


Fukuoka prefectureFukuoka city Tenjin Station 5 Min #Tenjin and its vicinity

Limited Lunch Quantities
One-half a day's worth of vegetables

Ingredients: Animal ingredients○



A restaurant where you can eat shabu-shabu and xiaolongbao

Fukuoka prefecture Fukuoka city
1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo Ward

All-you-can-eat Lunch
All you can eat
