"Momiji Manju" Hatsukaichi city 3 choices! Compare with photos, taste, and features | Japan Food Menu


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Hatsukaichi city × Momiji Manju ×

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The dough is a little thick, soft and moist. The sweetness of the sweet bean paste is just right.Momiji manjuu with soy milk creamTempura maple leaf buns.
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Restaurant Search Results

Momiji-manju with Koshi An
 (もみじ饅頭 こしあん入り | Momiji manju koshi an iri)
Momiji-manju with Koshi An (もみじ饅頭 こしあん入り | Momiji manju koshi an iri)
Hiroshima prefectureHatsukaichi city #Itsukushima/Miyajima

吉川七浦堂 (Yoshikawa Nanaurado)

A confectionery shop that has been in business for over 100 years

Hiroshima prefecture Hatsukaichi city
Miyajimacho 541-12

Momiji-manju souvenirs are also available here.

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Soy Milk Momiji Manjuu
 (豆乳もみじ饅頭 | Tounyuu momiji manju)
Soy Milk Momiji Manjuu (豆乳もみじ饅頭 | Tounyuu momiji manju)
Hiroshima prefectureHatsukaichi city #Itsukushima/Miyajima

Hiroshima prefecture Hatsukaichi city
844-1 Hamanocho, Miyajimacho

Cheese Momiji Manju, Green Tea Momiji Manju, etc.

 (Tempura momiji)
天ぷらもみじ (Tempura momiji)
Hiroshima prefectureHatsukaichi city
There are flavors of red bean paste, green tea, lemon, custard, and chocolate.