"Oyster" Hatsukaichi city 4 choices! Compare with photos, taste, and features | Japan Food Menu


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Hatsukaichi city × Oyster ×

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Two grilled oysters. Seasoned with hot lemon.At that time, two grilled oysters cost 500 yen, which was cheap.Overnight dried oysters skewered and grilledCooked and safe, yet as plump as raw oysters!
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Restaurant Search Results

焼き牡蠣 (レモスコ)
焼き牡蠣 (レモスコ) (YAKI KAKI (LEMOSUKO))
Hiroshima prefectureHatsukaichi city
Photo shows grilled oysters with hot sauce and lemon mixed sauce.

きじま商店 (Kijima Shoten)

The restaurant offers a wide variety of grilled oyster flavors. There are also grilled bamboo rings.

Hiroshima prefecture Hatsukaichi city
459 Nishihama, Sachi-machi, Miyajima-cho

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 (Yaki gaki)
焼き牡蠣 (Yaki gaki)
Hiroshima prefectureHatsukaichi city
Tare is a type of sauce with ponzu (Japanese sauce made from citrus juice) or soy sauce as desired.

Restaurant "Torii" (お食事処 「とりい」 | O Shokujidokoro "Torii")

Restaurant with Miyajima beer. Grilled oysters available for take-out.

Hiroshima prefecture Hatsukaichi city
1144 Omachi, Miyajimacho

一夜干し カキ串
 (Ichiyaboshi Kaki Kushi)
一夜干し カキ串 (Ichiyaboshi Kaki Kushi)
Hiroshima prefectureHatsukaichi city
🐄Animal ingredients○

厳島BARL 「厳齋」 (Itsukushima BARL "Issai")

Tsukune, raw oysters, oyster skewers, etc.

Hiroshima prefecture Hatsukaichi city
860-7 Miyajima-cho

 (Marude namakaki?)
まるで生かき? (Marude namakaki?)
Hiroshima prefectureHatsukaichi city
Miyajima "Sanbi Oyster" is used.
Large and plump.
🐄Animal ingredients○

Hiroshima prefecture Hatsukaichi city
1133 Miyajimacho Miyajima Shopping Street
