【Compare Dishes Offered by the Restaurant】Choose from 1 Restaurants in Kamakura city, Kanagawa prefecture

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Kanagawa prefecture × Kamakura city × private-room ×

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Shirasu donburi, a bowl of rice topped with shirasu that allows you to enjoy shirasu in three different ways

Restaurant Search Results

 (Shirasu-zanmai don)

しらす三昧丼 (Shirasu-zanmai don)


Kanagawa prefectureKamakura city Kamakura Station 4 Min

-Fresh Shirasu
-Kettle-Fried Shirasu
-Age shirasu
You can enjoy a bowl of rice topped with three kinds of seafood in one bowl.

Ingredients: Animal ingredients○


鎌倉 新荘園 (Kamakura Shinsouen)

You can enjoy local ingredients such as local ingredients and Kamakura beer.

Kanagawa prefecture Kamakura city
2-7-32 Komachi

Enjoy local Shonan shirasu, Kamakura vegetables, Chinese cuisine, and more!
