"Noodles" Kyoto city 20 choices! Compare with photos, taste, and features | Japan Food Menu


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Kyoto city × Noodles ×

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Vegan summer vegetable vegan ramen with no flavor enhancers, meat or fish.Vegetarian gluten-free salt ramen with rice flour noodlesSoy milk flavored ramen with sesame paste and pickled apples
Please note: This site cannot guarantee the accuracy of store information, so please use it only as a reference, or contact the stores directly for the latest information.

Restaurant Search Results

Summer Vegetable Vegan Ramen
 (夏野菜のヴィーガンラーメン | Natsuyasai no Viigan Raamen)
Summer Vegetable Vegan Ramen (夏野菜のヴィーガンラーメン | Natsuyasai no Viigan Raamen)
Kyoto-fuKyoto city Gion Shijo Station 9 Min #Gion
🐄Animal ingredients×

Other Menu Examples (Including out of conditions)

Kobe Beef Ramen "Takara" (神戸牛ラーメン 「宝」 | Kobe Gyuu Ramen "Takara")

Ramen restaurant where you can enjoy ramen noodles made with Japanese black beef as well as Kobe beef.

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city
351 Kiyomoto-cho, Higashiyama-ku

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Veggie Salt Gluten Free Ramen
 (ベジ塩グルテンフリーラーメン | Beji shio guruten furii raamen)
Veggie Salt Gluten Free Ramen (ベジ塩グルテンフリーラーメン | Beji shio guruten furii raamen)
Kyoto-fuKyoto city #Kita ward #Around Kinkakuji Temple
🐄Animal ingredients×

Ramen "KAZU" (ラーメン 「KAZU」)

Ramen shop that caters to various tastes with miso, soy sauce, salt, and more

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city
10-3 Kinugasa Somoncho, Kita Ward

 (Tounyuu kuriimii raamen)
豆乳クリーミーラーメン (Tounyuu kuriimii raamen)
Kyoto-fuKyoto city Kawaramachi Station 11 Min #Shijo Kawaramachi
You can choose tofu or egg.
Gluten-free noodles are also available for an additional charge.
🐄Animal ingredients×

Ramen bar "MOON and BACK (Ramen bar 「MOON and BACK」 | Ramen bar "MOON and BACK")

Bar where you can eat Wagyu beef ramen, vegan ramen, etc.

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city
585 Takamiyacho, Nakagyo Ward

For vegans,
Spicy Tantanmen
Creamy Soy Milk Ramen

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city
下京区烏丸通塩小路下ル東塩小路町901 京都駅ビル西ゾーン 10F

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city
伏見区東組町698 パークテラス桃山 1F

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city
京福修学院マンション 1F

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city
中京区新町通四条上ル東入観音堂町470 道家ビル 1F

Kyoto-fu Kyoto city

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