"Noodles" Nagasaki city 5 choices! Compare with photos, taste, and features | Japan Food Menu


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Nagasaki city × Noodles ×

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Meal Images per Store

Rich tomato cream sauce with the aroma and flavor of shrimp locked in.Ramen with Sweet and Umami Miso and Spicy Green OnionsChampon with Nagasaki Wagyu Beef
Please note: This site cannot guarantee the accuracy of store information, so please use it only as a reference, or contact the stores directly for the latest information.

Restaurant Search Results

 (Marugoto oishii ebi no tomato kurīmu sōsu)
まるごとおいしい海老のトマトクリームソース (Marugoto oishii ebi no tomato kurīmu sōsu)
Nagasaki prefectureNagasaki city Nagasaki Station 1 Min
🐄Animal ingredients○

Pietoro (ピエトロ)

Restaurant where pasta pizza and doria are served.

Nagasaki prefecture Nagasaki city
1-1 Onoe-cho

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 (Piri Kara Negi Raamen)
ピリ辛ネギらーめん (Piri Kara Negi Raamen)
Nagasaki prefectureNagasaki city Nagasaki Station 1 Min
🐄Animal ingredients○

Maruni Miso Ramen (マルニ味噌らーめん)

Stores where you can eat miso ramen from Kumamoto and Nagasaki.

Nagasaki prefecture Nagasaki city
1-1 Onoe-cho

上ちゃんぽん (Janchanpon)
Nagasaki prefectureNagasaki city Nagasaki Station 1 Min
🐄Animal ingredients○

ちゃんぽん 「蘇州林」 (Chanpon "Soshu-rin")

Restaurant serving chanpon, udon, fried rice, etc.

Nagasaki prefecture Nagasaki city
1-67 Onoecho

Nagasaki prefecture Nagasaki city
