"Set meal" Sasebo city 3 choices! Compare with photos, taste, and features | Japan Food Menu


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Sasebo city × Set meal ×

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Meal Images per Store

Soba with the delicious flavor of iriko (dried sardines)Burgers made with Kuroge Wagyu beef pattiesCrispy, boneless fried horse mackerel
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Restaurant Search Results

 (Niboshi soba settsu)
煮干しそばセット (Niboshi soba settsu)
Nagasaki prefectureSasebo city Sasebo Station 3 Min
🐄Animal ingredients○

一富士商店 (Ipponishi Shoten)

A restaurant where you can eat Chinese soba and niboshi soba.

Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city
7-18, Kamigyo-cho

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 (Sasebo baagaa setto)
佐世保バーガーセット (Sasebo baagaa setto)
Nagasaki prefectureSasebo city Sasebo Station 3 Min

喫茶店 山本 (Kissaten Yamamoto)

Coffee shop with desserts and set meals

Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city
1-12 Shimachi-cho

Matsuura Fried Horse Mackerel
 (松浦アジフライ | Matsuura Ajifurai)
Matsuura Fried Horse Mackerel (松浦アジフライ | Matsuura Ajifurai)
Nagasaki prefectureSasebo city Sasebo Station 10 Min
🐄Animal ingredients○

くっけん広場 (Kukken Hiroba)

A place where hamburgers and cutlets are served.

Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city
8-10 Shimogyo-cho
