"Japanese cuisine Restaurants" Sasebo city 4 choices! Compare with photos, taste, and features | Japan Food Menu


Restaurant Search Conditions

Sasebo city × Japanese cuisine ×

Note: This service is designed for Japanese restaurants, making it user-friendly. Even dishes that originated overseas may be displayed as Japanese cuisine if they are adapted to the Japanese style. Additionally, in searches targeting Asia, Japanese and Chinese cuisine may be excluded from the results. Thus, the displayed categories may differ from the actual ones, so please use country classifications like Japanese cuisine as a reference only.

Table of Contents

Meal Images per Store

Soba with the delicious flavor of iriko (dried sardines)Meaty steak matched with the acidity of lemonSteak made from 100% premium Wagyu beef
Please note: This site cannot guarantee the accuracy of store information, so please use it only as a reference, or contact the stores directly for the latest information.

Restaurant Search Results

 (Niboshi soba settsu)
煮干しそばセット (Niboshi soba settsu)
Nagasaki prefectureSasebo city Sasebo Station 3 Min
🐄Animal ingredients○

一富士商店 (Ipponishi Shoten)

A restaurant where you can eat Chinese soba and niboshi soba.

Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city
7-18, Kamigyo-cho

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Lemon steak 150g
 (レモンステーキ 150g | Remon Suteki 150g)
Lemon steak 150g (レモンステーキ 150g | Remon Suteki 150g)
Nagasaki prefectureSasebo city Sasebo Station 3 Min
🐄Animal ingredients○

nobu (Nobu)

Steak and hamburgers available.

Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city
6-23, Kamigyo-cho

 (Remon suteeki)
レモンステーキ (Remon suteeki)
Nagasaki prefectureSasebo city Sasebo Station 2 Min
🐄Animal ingredients○

リベラ (RIBERA)

A place to eat burgers and steaks.

Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city
1-16, Shiranamikaze-cho

Nagasaki prefecture Sasebo city
