【Compare Basashi with Photos and Features】Choose from 1 Restaurants in Japan

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Restaurant Search Conditions

Basashi ×

Table of Contents

Meal Images per Store

1500 yen gets you both horse sashimi and Yukhoe.

Restaurant Search Results

千五百べろ Bコース
 (Sen go hyaku bero B kōsu)

千五百べろ Bコース (Sen go hyaku bero B kōsu)


Okinawa prefectureNaha city Makishi Station 5 Min

Includes 3 drinks.

肉屋 文月 千五百べろ (Niku ya Fumitsuki Sengo Berro)

An izakaya where you can choose from a variety of courses.

Okinawa prefecture Naha city
3-9-9 Makishi

Course A
Carefully selected yakiniku set
Course B
Horse sashimi & yukhoe
and so on
