福岡天神店 フジヤマ55 (Fukuoka Tenjin-ten Fujiyama 55)

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A ramen restaurant where you can also eat rice dishes and maze soba.

Tenjin Station 5 Min Ramen shop

Char siu rice bowl, mixed soba noodles, tsukemen noodles, etc.


魚介豚骨 濃厚つけ麺 (Gyokai tonkotsu noukou tsukemen)

Rich and flavorful seafood and pork bone dipping broth.


The noodles are very thick. They are firm and delicious when cold. When dip in the soup, the rich taste of seafood blends in strongly.

Ingredients: Animal ingredients○

Meat○ Pork○


Fukuoka prefecture Fukuoka city
1-19-12 Imaizumi, Chuo-ku