和牛 三姉妹 (Wagyuu sanshimai)

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When editing in the app, Japan Food Menu Id = wagyu-sanshimai
You can enjoy dishes like Yukke Don and Japanese beef meal.

Okachimachi Station 3 Min Dining Place

- Yukhoe don
- Steak don
- Yakiniku shabu gozen
You can enjoy these dishes and more.


和牛三姉妹御膳 (Wagyu Sanshimai Gozen)

Comparison set of bowls of rice topped with three different types of Wagyu beef


- Rich egg topped Yukke donburi
- Soft steak donburi
- Yukke donburi with three types of fish roe
These can be compared and enjoyed.

Ingredients: Animal ingredients ○

Meat ○ Beef ○


Tokyo-to Taito ward
6-5-7 Ueno
JUN Building 2F